


in life, there is yin and yan

the anticipator, the reactor

a leader, a follower

two sides of a coin

day, night

hot, cold

good, evil

wet, dry

rich, poor

happy, sad

extravert, introvert

must there be 

balance of all that is

so all may be


what if the rain rose

took to the sky

would we hear it hitting the clouds

would there be pools of water floating in the sky

with prisms holding rainbows

what if the season change

is actually the world in flip

for when I look at trees

across the fields in the winter

they look a lot like exposed roots without the ground

could our world be

made of two

living each day connected by the soles of our feet

always having the opposite living at the same moment


3 thoughts on “Wonderment

    1. It does 🙂 Just this minute the rain has started. I always feel like its a small gift for my mind. As for the drawing, it did not turn out very well with the umbrellas on the feet. I must work on that heehhe
      thank you Steve and good morning

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